Informations clés du projet

The Durand Company works a lot with paper and email for their internal management:

  • Leak report generation,
  • Maintenance contract by hand with OpenOffice.
  • Management of technical schedules by email (sent at each change)

The company is aware that it is necessary to digitize its business in order to be able to hire and meet an increase in requests. So they decided to call on the Now Code team to help them out.


Durand Company



Les solutions proposées
par l’équipe Now-Code

Internal web tool with Timetonic

  • Customers (BtoB) can enter intervention requests via a form
  • The request arrives in the database and is planned (agenda view)
  • The technician has a telephone application available in offline mode allowing him to have the schedule of his interventions always up to date with the necessary information: address, contact details of the tenant. He can enter photos that will be attached to the intervention and that will be used to automatically create an intervention report document: for example leak report
  • The tenant receives an email or text message before his appointment as a reminder
Ça m'intéresse

Maintenance contract management

  • Automatic creation of contracts based on database data with reminder to plan annual visits
  • Automatic creation of maintenance interventions linked to contracts
Ça m'intéresse

Creation of quotes and invoices

  • Creation of quotes and invoices from the timetonic application
  • The data is sent to the Pennylane billing software and uploaded to Timetonic.
  • Dashboard allowing you to see the 5 main KPIs at a glance.
Ça m'intéresse
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